The Standing Committee Member of Huangshan Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor Zhu Ce and his party visited Hotwon for inspection and guidance.


In the afternoon of September 3, Mr. Zhu Ce, the Standing Committee Member of Huangshan Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, with his party, visited Hotwon Group's headquarters in Shanghai for inspection, and they were warmly received by Mr. Huang Xiaoying, Vice President of Hotwon, and the two sides discussed and exchanged ideas on further cooperation.

Exchange and Discussion

Mr. Huang Xiaoying expressed a warm welcome to the leaders' visit and gave them a detailed introduction of the current development status and main projects overview of Hotwon Group.The visiting leaders had an in-depth understanding of Hotwon's corporate strength and advantages, and both sides expressed their full expectation for future cooperation, hoping that both sides could take this exchange visit as an opportunity to start in-depth cooperation and share development experience.

Group photo

Hotwon expressed its heartfelt thanks to Mr. Zhu Ce and his party for their visit and inspection, and hoped that both sides can work together to seek new development in the industry in the future!

Mr. Xie Qizheng, deputy director of Data Resource Management Bureau of Huangshan City, Mr. Zhou Fei, general manager of China Unicom Huangshan Branch, and other responsible comrades from the departments directly under city government and relevant units stationed in Huangshan participated.